Friday, December 26, 2008

American Girl Doll Craze

It's something I just had to share. I'm strolling through my twitter feed and one of my tweeps, primesuspect, shared a HILARIOUS video he found on Tame The Bear. Curiosity stuck me as I distracted myself from my job search.

Tweet: "I am SO glad I have boys. Even if I had girls, I don't think they'd be into American Girl. Watch the 3rd video:"

Hmmm... The American Girl Doll craze. This has got to be interesting, I thought to myself. So as my wondering and curious mind usually does just that wonder, I had to check it out. It can only be described as hilarious and yet very scary. Check it out for yourself, you'll get a good laugh.
Thanks primesuspect for sharing such a great find!

American Girls (Gone Wild!) from Tame The Bear on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

TERESE I found your blog. I love it!!
<3 jill

Frank Nemecek said...

Oh. My. God!

I love that video.

Terese said...

haha I'm glad you guys liked it. I couldn't stop laughing!