Friday, December 26, 2008

American Girl Doll Craze

It's something I just had to share. I'm strolling through my twitter feed and one of my tweeps, primesuspect, shared a HILARIOUS video he found on Tame The Bear. Curiosity stuck me as I distracted myself from my job search.

Tweet: "I am SO glad I have boys. Even if I had girls, I don't think they'd be into American Girl. Watch the 3rd video:"

Hmmm... The American Girl Doll craze. This has got to be interesting, I thought to myself. So as my wondering and curious mind usually does just that wonder, I had to check it out. It can only be described as hilarious and yet very scary. Check it out for yourself, you'll get a good laugh.
Thanks primesuspect for sharing such a great find!

American Girls (Gone Wild!) from Tame The Bear on Vimeo.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's Just What I Always Wanted

Time is winding down and Christmas is just hours away. Soon you'll be opening all those great presents from family members you only see a couple times a year, your out-of-touch grandma, co-workers, and your boyfriend/girlfriend who STILL doesn't get it. This list goes on and on and I'm sure we could add to it for hours. So what does all this mean and why do you only have a few hours to prepare? Well my friends, I have the answer. You need to start practicing your "Wow, how did you know I wanted this?" face or, "I've wanted this for a long time!". I didn't want to admit it either, but it's time.

After having the, "You're horrible at opening presents" talk with my sister, I knew I had to put my game face on. I also thought I had to blog about this crucial holiday trait incase you are just like me, horrible at pretending. So here are a few tips that may help you (and myself) get through the sometimes awkward gift giving of the holidays.

1. Just smile. As simple as it may sound, the first thing to go is usually the smile. While you may not see the need for a clip on tie when you spent 5 years learning the ancient art of tie tying, Aunt Jan may think she's being "hip" by buying you this gift. Just a simple smile will make her feel good.

2. DON'T RAMBLE. If you feel the need to try and make conversation about the gift you just received, don't (excuse my language) talk out of your ass. It will just make things worse and then you'll have to justify why you really do like the clip on tie when in fact you will probably donate it the following week. See number one on how to handle this.

3. What did you give? I hate to break it you, but there are probably some gifts you'll be giving out this season that won't be a crowd favorite. While I do like to think I am the ultimate shopper/gift giver, there is a good chance someone won't like my gift. So what is the reaction I would like to see from all my gift recipients? The same one I should be giving to everyone who was generous enough to give me something.

4. The Final Option. If all else fails do a shot, or two, just before the gift giving begins. Hey, if you make a bad face at least you can blame it on the alcohol. Make sure its something strong though. If you take a shot of Malibu, your cover is over.

Be sure to visit the Smarter Babies and Kids Blog where this cute baby picture was found.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Need Some New Professional Dress Ladies? Check out this Sale

Looking your best for work can be tough. Especially when it comes to looking the part and pleasing your wallet. As a young professional, I'm always looking out for deals for myself and my girlfriends. I just started my career and the pay is definitely not that of any CEO, so finding good deals on quality clothing is a must.

Right now, New York & Company has everything on their website 50% off. NY&C offers their customers professional and casual wear with a little bit of flair that complements women's figures and their tastes. You won't look like your grandma in these clothes, but you definitely will look like you graduated high school. Come on ladies, you can't shop for professional dress at Rave.

Here are some of my personal favorites on sale right now on the website.

- A simple skinny black belt. A must-have for your wardrobe: $8.47
- A silver watch. Stop being so obvious in those work meetings ladies by checking your blackberry every 5 minutes. Try this watch instead: $9.97
- This City Style Turtleneck. It's great to wear for casual Friday, with a nice pair of black slacks, or with a suit jacket. Mutli-functional clothing is essential for any woman: $18.47
- Dinner party after work? Every woman needs a black dress in her wardrobe, heck why not two. This beautiful crossover dress is a perfect find to cross over from the office to the evening: $34.00

Friday, December 12, 2008

Sneak Attack Cat

Either this cat is a trained ninja or it has watched one too many scary movies.
Here's my latest funny clip find on, "Ninja Cat"

Ninja Cat - watch more funny videos

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Fun with Elves

Looking for something unique and funny to send instead of cards this Christmas? Here's a great and funny e-card/video from Jib-Jab and OfficeMax. It's called 'Elf Yourself' and it's nothing but hilarious.

A girlfriend of mine sent me one of our group of friends from college and I couldn't stop laughing and clapping even after the video ended. I was like a small child on a giggle high after eating a candy bar. Try it out and I promise a good time and a lot of laughing.

So how does it work? You simply go to the website, upload up to 5 pictures, and choose the song and dance you like best. Soon you and your friends will be dancing elves. It's a great idea to do with your group of friends, family, and with permission, your co-workers.

Here's a snapshot of one of the possibilities. Go try it out and start laughing!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Apologies for My Absence

The first rule in blogging is to write. Am I correct? Yes, and I must apologize for my horrific blogging lately (aka my 2 month hiatus) because I have not been writing. I am asking for forgiveness by those who read my blog and future readers. I have disappointed you. But fear not! I am working on my next entry as we speak and it will be posted this week.

My heartfelt apologies,

T. Marie

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Cast Your Vote Detroit

The last day for Michigan residents to register to vote is Monday, October 6th.

Once you're registered to vote, check out Facebook where you can pledge to vote with Rock the Vote. Need an absentee ballot? Click here

Become informed. Find what issues matter to you. Vote.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Dear Diet Coke, I love you

Dear Diet Coke,

I know we haven't seen each other that much lately, but I was becoming overwhelmed with all the time we were spending together. I saw myself ignoring my friends, family, milk, lemonade, and water. You are very important in my life, but I feel myself needing more balance between you and the other things I care about. Sometimes relationships change but it doesn't mean they have to end. I hope you understand where I am coming from and I hope we'll be able to move on together. I don't want to loose you.

I love you,


So I've been trying to get my Diet Coke addiction under control. Diet Coke (and yes I drink Diet Pepsi too) is my "drug of choice". I don't smoke, I don't drink coffee, and I am a moderate drinker, but there is just something about Diet Cola that puts me in a trance. There have been points in my life where I would easily consumer 5 or 6 pops a day. You know how the grocery store will run specials 'Four 12 packs of pop for $10'? Yeah, I could easily drink that all myself without sharing in one week. I'm sure some of you are cringing at that thought while the other half have been in my position before. So I scoured the web and may have found the reason why this occurred.

I was tempted and tortured as a child.

And look I'm not alone! I found this photo on a webpage and discovered this epidemic! Okay, maybe I am over exaggerating just a little but it is possible.

Currently I am getting by on 2 Diet Cokes a day and feel like I am getting my addiction under control. I think Coke may have seen a loss in sales but raspberry iced tea is slowly gaining speed in my books.

Don't worry Coke. I won't forget about you.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Baby Fight

Here's a funny video from, the website that launched the popular Will Ferrel video "The Landlord" .

I don't have kids yet, but when I do I hope to raise them like this.

See more Olivia Munn videos at Funny or Die

Monday, September 15, 2008

Big Money, Big Money, No Whammies, STOP!

Yes, I won!
No, I wasn't on Press Your Luck, although that would be a good time, I did visit the newly renovated GreekTown Casino yesterday.

The trip started cause we were craving some pizza from Pizza Papalis in Greektown. MmmmMmm! Pizza Papalis is great because it brings Chicago style pizza right here to Detroit without the long drive to the windy city. And with the busy schedule that I have, that is just perfect. Plus who doesn't love a fun night in the city?

I hadn't been to the downtown location since I was a kid in elementary school and was anxious for my long over due return. My family always picks up a half-baked pizza from their Southfield location, but I was on a date and take-out just wouldn't do. I needed a night on the town.

We parked across the street at the GreekTown casino because well, parking there is free (if you get your ticket validated inside the casino) and it's easy. Pull off the freeway, pull into the parking garage, take a stroll through the casino and it's flashing lights, then bingo bango you're out the door, across the street, and eating at Pizza Papalis. Delicous.

After a pitcher of beer, some garlic cheese bread, and a deep dish pizza, I had an itch to gamble. How convenient that we were parked in the parking garage of a casino. What are the odds? Actually they were good odds because I walked away from the casino that night a winner.

Now, I'm not a huge gambler but I do enjoy a little chance. You can't park at the casino and not put a little money down. I decided I would spend $10 in the slots. (Big gambler, I know) After a few pulls (or pushes cause they all have buttons), some small wins, and a big triple bonus, I was up $40 on my little $10 bill. Woo-hoo! But as most people do, they wanna keep trying and boy did I wanna gamble the night away. I cashed out and put $20 in my pocket, put the original $10 back in my wallet, and went right back to the slots with the remaining $20. Yep, you guessed it. I lost it, but I still had the other $20 in my pocket that I won and that was enough to buy us a few beers at Fridays later in the evening. Overall a great night out in Detroit.

Pizza Papalis Greektown is located at 553 Monroe Street in Detroit. Phone: 313.961.8020
GreekTown Casino is located on the corner of Beaubien and E. Lafayette in Detroit.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Mid-Week Trip to the Detroit Zoo

Classes are back in session and summer is pretty much... well over. The neighborhood kids aren't laying around watching TV or playing street hockey until a time out is called for a passing car. No, it seems like America has stepped back into the busy routine of life.

Knowing all of this and realizing I only have a couple weeks or even days of sunshine and warm weather left, a trip to the zoo before the first snow fall was in order. (Yes, I just wrote the word snow. It's all in the back of our minds now, you know it). I hadn't been to the Detroit Zoo in about 4ish years and was anxious to see what I would think it of it. We went on a Wednesday after school had started so we didn't have to dodge youngsters trying to run away from their parents or the ones standing on the side of the exhibit trying to be the animal they were watching. While always entertaining, it was nice to enjoy the zoo and keep some of my sanity intact.

My favorite part of the zoo would have to be the Arctic Ring of Life. I could sit in that tube for hours and watch the polar bears and seals swim above me. Plus, if it's a hot day they usually keep it pretty cold in there so it's a great resting place. One of the polar bears thought it was a great spot to hang out too because when we walked into the tunnel, he was just sitting on top of the glass tube playing with a ball. Standing in the tunnel, you saw a big squishy ball of fur against the top of the tunnel, pure polar bear butt. AMAZING! He continued to play with the ball, biting it and swimming after it, continually returning to rest on the top of the tunnel. It definitely made the trip worth while.

As we continued to walk through to the other exhibits, we mostly saw animals relaxing. No wild fights or animals attacking humans. Damn. (Just kidding on the whole animals attacking humans thing). But out of all the animals besides the active polar bear, the sloth was the only animal to peak out of his resting place inside a log to wave hello to us. Thank you sloth. It was great to see you too :)

Overall the trip to the zoo was delightfully entertaining and relaxing. While it doesn't relate to animals per say, the best part of my trip was walking out the zoo towards the parking garage, looking up at the zoo water tower knowing Kwame's name would soon be down. The city of Detroit will now be able to move forward. Even if they don't get his name down till next spring.

General Detroit Zoo Information

Admission Fees:
$11.00 - Adult, 13 years - 61
$7.00 - Child, 2 - 12 years
$9.00 - Senior, 62 years+
Free - Under 2 years

Hours of Operation:

April-Memorial Day and Labor Day-October
10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Memorial Day-Labor Day
9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
(Wednesdays in July-August
until 8 p.m.)

10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Closed Thanksgiving, Christmas and
New Year's Day.