Monday, September 29, 2008

Dear Diet Coke, I love you

Dear Diet Coke,

I know we haven't seen each other that much lately, but I was becoming overwhelmed with all the time we were spending together. I saw myself ignoring my friends, family, milk, lemonade, and water. You are very important in my life, but I feel myself needing more balance between you and the other things I care about. Sometimes relationships change but it doesn't mean they have to end. I hope you understand where I am coming from and I hope we'll be able to move on together. I don't want to loose you.

I love you,


So I've been trying to get my Diet Coke addiction under control. Diet Coke (and yes I drink Diet Pepsi too) is my "drug of choice". I don't smoke, I don't drink coffee, and I am a moderate drinker, but there is just something about Diet Cola that puts me in a trance. There have been points in my life where I would easily consumer 5 or 6 pops a day. You know how the grocery store will run specials 'Four 12 packs of pop for $10'? Yeah, I could easily drink that all myself without sharing in one week. I'm sure some of you are cringing at that thought while the other half have been in my position before. So I scoured the web and may have found the reason why this occurred.

I was tempted and tortured as a child.

And look I'm not alone! I found this photo on a webpage and discovered this epidemic! Okay, maybe I am over exaggerating just a little but it is possible.

Currently I am getting by on 2 Diet Cokes a day and feel like I am getting my addiction under control. I think Coke may have seen a loss in sales but raspberry iced tea is slowly gaining speed in my books.

Don't worry Coke. I won't forget about you.

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