Monday, September 15, 2008

Big Money, Big Money, No Whammies, STOP!

Yes, I won!
No, I wasn't on Press Your Luck, although that would be a good time, I did visit the newly renovated GreekTown Casino yesterday.

The trip started cause we were craving some pizza from Pizza Papalis in Greektown. MmmmMmm! Pizza Papalis is great because it brings Chicago style pizza right here to Detroit without the long drive to the windy city. And with the busy schedule that I have, that is just perfect. Plus who doesn't love a fun night in the city?

I hadn't been to the downtown location since I was a kid in elementary school and was anxious for my long over due return. My family always picks up a half-baked pizza from their Southfield location, but I was on a date and take-out just wouldn't do. I needed a night on the town.

We parked across the street at the GreekTown casino because well, parking there is free (if you get your ticket validated inside the casino) and it's easy. Pull off the freeway, pull into the parking garage, take a stroll through the casino and it's flashing lights, then bingo bango you're out the door, across the street, and eating at Pizza Papalis. Delicous.

After a pitcher of beer, some garlic cheese bread, and a deep dish pizza, I had an itch to gamble. How convenient that we were parked in the parking garage of a casino. What are the odds? Actually they were good odds because I walked away from the casino that night a winner.

Now, I'm not a huge gambler but I do enjoy a little chance. You can't park at the casino and not put a little money down. I decided I would spend $10 in the slots. (Big gambler, I know) After a few pulls (or pushes cause they all have buttons), some small wins, and a big triple bonus, I was up $40 on my little $10 bill. Woo-hoo! But as most people do, they wanna keep trying and boy did I wanna gamble the night away. I cashed out and put $20 in my pocket, put the original $10 back in my wallet, and went right back to the slots with the remaining $20. Yep, you guessed it. I lost it, but I still had the other $20 in my pocket that I won and that was enough to buy us a few beers at Fridays later in the evening. Overall a great night out in Detroit.

Pizza Papalis Greektown is located at 553 Monroe Street in Detroit. Phone: 313.961.8020
GreekTown Casino is located on the corner of Beaubien and E. Lafayette in Detroit.

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