Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's Just What I Always Wanted

Time is winding down and Christmas is just hours away. Soon you'll be opening all those great presents from family members you only see a couple times a year, your out-of-touch grandma, co-workers, and your boyfriend/girlfriend who STILL doesn't get it. This list goes on and on and I'm sure we could add to it for hours. So what does all this mean and why do you only have a few hours to prepare? Well my friends, I have the answer. You need to start practicing your "Wow, how did you know I wanted this?" face or, "I've wanted this for a long time!". I didn't want to admit it either, but it's time.

After having the, "You're horrible at opening presents" talk with my sister, I knew I had to put my game face on. I also thought I had to blog about this crucial holiday trait incase you are just like me, horrible at pretending. So here are a few tips that may help you (and myself) get through the sometimes awkward gift giving of the holidays.

1. Just smile. As simple as it may sound, the first thing to go is usually the smile. While you may not see the need for a clip on tie when you spent 5 years learning the ancient art of tie tying, Aunt Jan may think she's being "hip" by buying you this gift. Just a simple smile will make her feel good.

2. DON'T RAMBLE. If you feel the need to try and make conversation about the gift you just received, don't (excuse my language) talk out of your ass. It will just make things worse and then you'll have to justify why you really do like the clip on tie when in fact you will probably donate it the following week. See number one on how to handle this.

3. What did you give? I hate to break it you, but there are probably some gifts you'll be giving out this season that won't be a crowd favorite. While I do like to think I am the ultimate shopper/gift giver, there is a good chance someone won't like my gift. So what is the reaction I would like to see from all my gift recipients? The same one I should be giving to everyone who was generous enough to give me something.

4. The Final Option. If all else fails do a shot, or two, just before the gift giving begins. Hey, if you make a bad face at least you can blame it on the alcohol. Make sure its something strong though. If you take a shot of Malibu, your cover is over.

Be sure to visit the Smarter Babies and Kids Blog where this cute baby picture was found.

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